
进入大学本科课程的学生正在认真地努力继续他们的教育.  希望他们在本学期内尽一切努力完成课程.  然而, 在极少数情况下, undergraduate students may encounter medical emergencies, changes in employment beyond their control, the death of an immediate family member, or other life events that prevent them from completing their coursework.  以下政策定义了这些学生将使用的上诉学费的过程, the circumstances that will be considered, and the approving authorities for the appeal.


本科学费 and 费用 代表了丹佛大都会州立大学本科课程的入学费用. These can be 状态 funded or self-funded programs.

本科学费 and Fee Appeals 如果在学期中发生了可以减轻的情况,导致学生无法完成课程,是否可以向财务处提出上诉.

医疗紧急情况 学生或其直系亲属是否有严重疾病或严重伤害.  Immediate family members include spouses, children, and parents.

就业 is a change in employment beyond the student’s control. Accepting a position with a different employer is not a valid reason to appeal.  Appeals submitted for this reason will not be accepted.

死亡 is a death involving an immediate family member.  Immediate family members include spouses, children, parents, and siblings.


作为一般准则,只考虑医疗紧急情况、就业或死亡的申诉.  The Committee will consider other life events on a case-by-case basis.  “其他”生活事件必须是学生面临的严重问题,阻碍他们完成课程.  Military deployments are processed by the University’s Veteran’s Affairs office.

本科生在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校期间总共只能上诉两个学期. 大学将不接受在上诉日期前一年以上发生的费用的上诉.

Students must appeal all courses for the term they are appealing.  If a student has received passing grades in any of the courses during that term, 未经学杂费申诉协调员事先许可,不得对学费提出上诉. 学生不得对已通过或未完成的课程提出上诉.


学生必须在提交学费和费用上诉表格之前退出课程.  Students appealing a current term but who have not withdrawn from their courses will have their appeals suspended until after grades for that semester are posted;  the appeal will be submitted for review at the first Committee meeting after grades post. Grades will not be changed as a result of an approved appeal.  Students wishing to have grades changed are encouraged to review the University’s 年级的替换 政策概述在 “目录.”

 学生将向财务长办公室提交申诉和证明文件.  The 学费及杂费上诉 Coordinator will evaluate the appeals.  不完整的申诉将被拒绝,学生将被告知缺少哪些文件.  提交适当文件并符合核准准则的申诉将得到协调员的核准.  Those appeals found lacking will be denied by the Coordinator.  需要特别考虑的上诉将转交给机构学费和费用上诉委员会进行审查.  The Committee’s decision is final. The deadline to submit appeals is 5:00 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month.  The Committee meets to review Appeals on the third Thursday of the month.  所有决定将在委员会会议后的7个工作日内通过电子邮件发送给学生.

Approved 医疗, 死亡, and 就业 appeals will be processed as follows:

  • If the student withdraws in the first 25 percent of the term, 该学生将获得100%的学费减免和100%的学杂费减免.
  • If the student withdraws between the first 25 percent and 50 percent of the term, 该学生将获得75%的学费减免和100%的学杂费减免.
  • If the student withdraws between the first 50 percent and 75 percent of the term, 该学生将获得50%的学费减免和100%的学杂费减免.
  • 如果学生在完成75%的学期后退学,那么不完整是不可行的, 该学生将获得25%的学费减免和100%的学杂费减免.
  • 所有其他退款将由学费和费用上诉委员会审查,并根据具体情况作出决定.

Important notes about submitting the 学费及杂费上诉 form:

The following examples do not qualify as extenuating circumstances; therefore, they do not relieve you of your financial and academic responsibilities. Please do not submit an appeal form if the following circumstances apply:

  • You exercised poor judgment and/or poor time management skills.
  • 你申请大学入学迟到和/或注册课程迟到.
  • You lacked knowledge regarding published University policies and procedures.
  • 你申请晚了,没有资格申请,或者失去了获得经济援助或奖学金的资格.
  • You were not aware of, or you failed to utilize University resources.
  • 你有持续的健康问题,住宿应该事先考虑.
  • 旷课.
  • 你有制裁(e).g., student conduct, suspension, or expulsion).

学生必须详细解释其上诉的减刑情况. 除了你的打字解释,请提供以下文件:

医疗 -您或您的直系亲属患有严重疾病或严重受伤, 您必须提交一份有签名抬头的医生证明,注明病情开始和/或恶化的日期,以及是否有任何疾病, in the doctor’s professional opinion, it warrants a withdrawal from classes. 帐单或办公室访问摘要不能被接受为必需的文件.

就业 – For employment changes beyond your control, 你必须提交一份由你的雇主签署的信,信上印有公司抬头,明确说明工作变更的日期和时间. 由于以下原因提出的申诉将不被接受:你工作时间增加, assumed additional responsibilities, 获得晋升, 接受了一个新职位, accepted a position with a different employer, 失业, 等.

死亡 – For the death of an immediate family member during the semester, 您必须提交注明日期的剪报或葬礼通知,并注明您的姓名, 或者死亡证明.

其他 -必须提供证明所引用的具体情况的文件.


Student Health Insurance, 金融援助, and Short Term Loans

  • Student Health Insurance may only be removed during the current plan year. 上诉被批准的学生应该联系健康保险办公室,看看他们是否有资格获得退款.
  • 我理解, 如果我的上诉被批准, 该学期收到的任何经济援助可能会被调整并返回其来源(联邦), 状态, 或机构).
  • 经批准的上诉不会因短期贷款或经济援助不合格而调整任何余额.
  • 提交学费和费用申诉并提供相关文件不能保证退款.


通过提交在线申诉表格,我同意上述所有条款和条件! Please click on the button below to access the online appeal form: